Romance Writers Weekly


Hey, there. Happy Tuesday! Hope your day is going great and thanks so much for taking the time to join us! We appreciate it so much!

Here is this week’s challenge:

Plotter or pantser and why?

I have tried to be a plotter. I have. It would make my job so much easier if I could stick to an outline and follow my original notes. Before I start a new book, I develop the characters and actually try and decide how they’re going to interact and how the story will play out. But…don’t you know those people in my books have minds of their own. I might want them to do something, but no…they refuse and determine it’s not how they would do it. And then, they nag until I get it right.

I’ll finish a book and one of the minor characters will demand I tell their story. And won’t stop bugging me until I do.

Now, to those of you who don’t write, this might sound crazy. And I suppose it is. But the people who populate my stories are real to me. They have histories and family and experiences before they ever show up in my books. And they don’t let me forget that. I mean, if they aren’t real to me, how can they be believable to my readers?

So, no matter how hard I try to keep to an outline, it’s impossible. I always have a basic beginning, middle, and end and I know basically what will happen, but I have to let the characters react in their own way, tell the story through their eyes, or it won’t ring true.

Maybe someday I can plan a book and stick to it…nah…pretty much impossible!

Now let’s hop over to the wonderfully talented PG Forte and read her process. But first…Check this out!!!

Games We Play: The DiLuca Brothers

The Atlas Beach  Chamber of Commerce’s innovative mentoring program—partnering successful  business owners with some of the newer start-ups—has just what food truck owner Carly Meyers and baker Stephanie Sands needed to get their businesses off the ground: The Delectable DiLuca Brothers.

These Jersey Boys might be cocky, but cooking’s not their only talent, and the kitchen’s not the only place where they’ll be turning up the heat.

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