Romance Writers Weekly


Hello and welcome to our hop. Hope you had a great weekend and your Tuesday is off to a wonderful start. And, as always, thanks for joining us!

Here is this week’s challenge:

What is the hardest part of writing a book?

Writing is hard. As Hemingway said, “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”

My process: once I get an idea, the characters begin to take shape and the story goes from there. The difficulty…transporting those thoughts from my brain to my fingers is not always simple. And then it flows. But after so many words have been written, I come to the place (usually in the middle) where I say —what happens now? I feel stuck. Luckily, those times are temporary because I have a writer friend I can call to talk it out. Once I figure out how to get through that roadblock, the rest is easy. Well, maybe not easy…

Then, there’s getting the cover. I have a wonderful cover artist and that part, seeing my vision come to life, is really exciting. And while that’s going on, I send the book to my fantastic editor. Now, unlike a lot of writers, I enjoy the editing process. Another perspective from a caring professional makes the book so much better. So many times I know what I want to say, and she helps me clarify those thoughts and fill in the blanks.

Okay, so then…publishing and …the hardest part for me…marketing. Again, I have a great marketing person and that makes it less intimidating.

So I guess my final answer is—all of it and none of it. I love to write and just like anything else you love, even the hardest parts are easy. Sometimes it just takes a little help from my friends.

And speaking of friends,,,let’s pop over to the talented Jill Haymaker and hear about her writing…but first, don’t miss this!!

Colorado Summer Stars

When Nicole’s world turns violent, the only safe place to hide is her small home town of Peakview, Colorado, high in the Rocky Mountains. Can the hot vet really be that nerdy kid from high school she ignored? Maybe they can help each other overcome the past and find a future.

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