Romance Writers Weekly


Hello and welcome to our weekly hop. Hope your Tuesday is going great! And thanks so much for joining us. We so appreciate it.

Here is this week’s challenge:

Tell us about your pets and how they help your writing. If you don’t have one, which would you choose and why? Pictures please.

Josie. Best dog ever. Josie is a doodle (standard poodle and Chesapeake Bay Retriever) and she is 3-1/2 years old. And from the moment I saw her (on Craigslist – yep) I knew she was mine. We had lost our beloved terrier months before and I really had no intention of getting another dog until I saw…

Could anyone resist?

She is my inspiration for unconditional love. She lays on the floor next to my desk when I write, offering moral support. And she’s quick with a puppy kiss if I’m sad and ready to play  when I feel energetic.

She’s funny and smart and — what can I say? When you have a companion who thinks you are the best thing since – well since always – how can you doubt that you are loveable? And worthy.

I think sometimes that’s the hardest part for me of being a writer: believing in myself. But when I look into those big brown eyes, I know I am important. Even if only to serve her every need. Because, obviously, I am a sucker for her. But she gives so much in return. And when I’m surrounded by her love, I know I write better stories.

As someone famous just said on Facebook: Anyone who says a dog is just a dog is an idiot.

Now let’s pop over to the wonderful Jenna Da Sie and hear about her pets…

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